Open Stage – come and play!

We invite instrumentalists, orchestras, bands, choirs and soloists and all who wish to present their music on one of the outdoor scenes of the Royal Łazienki every Saturday in July. According to the idea of the festival, we return to the natural unplugged voices and instruments. For pianists it is possible to use one of our keyboards/ pianos.

Are you are interested in participating or you know someone who would like to gain experience on the festival stage? This is the place for you! Send your application with a brief information about yourself, photo, program and preferred date of the concert to:

Anna Całusińska tel. 785 041 291

Kacper Symela  tel. 508 611 016

Partnerzy i organizatorzy Festiwalu Strefa Ciszy

Festiwal Strefa Ciszy
